U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Internship


In my current role as a Mechanical Engineer Intern at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Office, I have been deeply involved in the technical development and specification for critical infrastructure projects.

* Unfortunately, I am unable to share any screenshots or pictures from my work at USACE, but here’s a quick rundown of my projects.

Air Cooler Replacement Project
I served as Technical Lead for our project to replace the air coolers for a hydroelectric generator. This included creating 60% and 90% plans and contract specification packages that passed rigorous technical reviews. Since the existing air coolers were installed in 1973, documentation was very difficult to come by. After searching through a few different USACE libraries and traveling to the site, I found the required information.

Raw Water Piping System Replacement
I supported the Technical Lead to create detailed plans, contract specifications, and design documentation for the lake water distribution system replacement at a navigation lock. This project required incorporating code compliance and performing hydraulic calculations to meet all technical and regulatory requirements.